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Earlier existing laws could not give proper consumers relief. So Consumer Protection Act got implemented in 1986. This act aims to provide inexpensive and quick justice to consumers. To achieve the objects of the Consumer Protection Act consumer forum was set up. Consumer forums exist at the District level as District Forum. At the State level as State Commission. At the national level as National Commission.
Consumer forums are not the court. It is a quasi-judicial agency or tribunal created under the law- CPA Act. Consumer complaint and reviews can is acceptable at any consumer forum. It can be a district forum or state or national consumer commission. Consumer forums are set up to protect consumer rights. In case a consumer gets exploited by any seller, he can file a case against the seller on his own. No lawyer is necessary to file a case or represent him at court. But consumers but pay a court fee depending on the claim and type of court he approaches. This page facilitates Complaints and Reviews for Questions and Answers
Basic Consumer Rights
The following are the rights every consumer needs to be aware of. Consumer rights provisions comes under the statute of Consumer Protection Act. Find Complaints & Reviews: Questions & Answers of best help 24/7 in this Page
- Right to get protected from unfair trade practices
- Right to information on products or services
- Desired quality of product or services of Right of assurance
- Right to hearing in case of breach of consumerism
- Suffering harm or damages Right to Redressal
- Right to consumer education
To begin with, there are three tier of consumer forums. District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum-DCDRF. State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission –SCDRC. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in India –NCDRC.
District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum-DCDRF
This forum exists at district level of our country. Every district has it own DCDRF. It deals with cases whose claims value up to INR 20 lakhs.
State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission –SCDRC
This forum exists at State level. Every state has its own SCDRC. It handles cases whose claims value up to INR 1 Crore. SCDRC comprises of one president and two or more other members in this tribunal panel. One of the members needs to be a woman. It takes up cases of appeal against order of concerned district forums.
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission –NCDRC
This forum exists as a national-level court. It handles complaints whose claims exceed INR 1 Crore. It is the highest authority to handle consumer disputes in India. NCDRC Tribunal forum consists of retired judges of the Supreme Court. It consists of extra four other members in this tribunal panel. Find Complaints & Reviews: Questions & Answers of best help 24/7 in this Page
TODAY’S TREND in Consumer Complaints and Review
You can give consumer complaints online of Complaints and Reviews: Questions and Answers through the following best websites
There is a general perception that consumer courts drag a case for an endless number of days. Lawyers came unprepared for the case and request a postponement of the case hearing. Consumer forums have become tough on adjournments these days. But at present, the president of NCDRC directed all forums to give a verdict within 15 days of a hearing. National commission members are traveling far and wide to make it easier for the people. Find Complaints and Reviews: Questions and Answers on this page.
Earlier the compensation awarded by consumer courts was very less. In case of motor vehicle accidents a specific procedure is there for awarding claims. The punishment for medical negligence varies. Supreme court ordered INR 1 crore as medical negligence compensation. Consumer courts are also trying to take similar view.
Consumer protection forum accepts complaints from consumers for the following reasons
Unfair trade practice
Every seller wants to makes largest profit. It is the common goal of every businessman or professional. Things like charging wrong price, cheating and misconduct still prevail in the market. Even negligence comes under unfair trade practice. Unfair trade practice is a broad term. For instance a Private contractor fails to put warning sign during road construction. It may lead to accident. Here the private contractor is guilty of negligence and unfair trade practice. So in the event of any unfair trade practice consumer has right to approach consumer forum.
Food Adulteration
Food adulteration means a food product could get mixed with other substances. This leads to the substandard quality of the product. This is food adulteration. The reason for Food adulteration is for sellers want to increase profit margin. Food adulteration is an unfair consumer practice. It’s a crime under IPC. Some examples can be like mixing salt with sawdust, ghee mixed with dalda, and so on. Even adulteration of medicines is being practiced. Food adulteration is a threat to consumerism. It is a threat to life. One should take food adulteration a serious manner. Consumer forums are very strict with this aspect. Please post your queries in this Send your details for Free Consultation in Complaints and Reviews: Questions and Answers.
Short weights and Measures
A general store could cheat customers by offering less quantity than the actual weight. The seller weighing scale may show 1 kg, but in reality the actual weight maybe 900 grams. It is malpractice. It has serious effects on consumer interests.
Misleading Information
The current trend of consumer shopping is more on eCommerce platform. Many products and services are available online. People shop sitting at the comfort of home or office using computers or mobile phones. Online sellers could give misleading information about products or services. It is a main drawn back of online purchasing. The online sellers can give false information and mislead consumers. Online malpractices too get covered under Consumer Protection Act. Consumerism is important today even to the cyber tech world too.
CPA and consumer forum aims to protect consumers from unfair trade practices. It includes product warranty or guarantee of given to a consumer also.
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